Available streaming August 2, 2022.
This film was a nuanced grade, perhaps the most complicated I've ever done both logistically and from a pure color perspective.
We didn't have that much time before a SXSW deadline, so it was a bit of a race to the finish. Thankfully Editor Arndt Peemoller is a whiz and we wasted no time in conform!
I've worked with DP David Bolen so many times that we have a shorthand. This saved us a ton of time. David also made himself available for every day of coloring and Eli Horowitz the director for some days as well, so we sat together and made it work on a short timeline.
From a color perspective this film was actually fairly intricate. Without giving too much away, the narrative is complex with lots of shifts in time and place and the director, Eli Horowitz (Homecoming on Netflix), was very keen to use color as a way to help audiences delineate what was going on. (This as well as a means to bolster the narrative of course). This involved some fairly meticulous grading at times, lots of flagging off of "bogey" colors that would otherwise ruin the palette.
Throughout the buzzwords for the look were "Gritty" "Grunge" "Low fi" and that's totally up my alley. What I tried to do was use "filmic" colors and separation, but then to dial them back to a more pastelly range. The texture has a bit of halation but mostly just a gritty plate with a little dust in it.
The film has an amazing script and some equally impressive performances. David's cinematography (With what i understand were quite with quite barebones crew and a challenging schedule) is amazing! I was so happy to be bale to play my part. I hope you enjoy the film.